Project Period: 2009-2012
Project Location: Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, West Bengal
Direct Impact: 22,008 citizens In 14 villages across 3 states

Surakshit Bharat: A Safe India Surakshit Bharat programme : Building a Safer India. An unique initiative on promoting road safety in rural areas was launched by Lafarge India during the safety month in June 2010. Spearheaded this campaign across 5 States of Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Rajasthan and West Bengal impacting 14 villages and 22008 citizens. Designed to build up a safety culture among school children and the village youth and adults to increase awareness, inculcate attitude and stimulate positive behavioral change of rural population towards discipline of safety in all spheres of life at home, workplace and whilst traveling.

Wall paintings were done, each carrying a specific message on safety. The safety issues identified were:

• Not walking in the middle of the road
• No speed driving and over-riding
• Use of helmet while driving 2 wheelers
• Don’t play in the middle of the road
• Don’t drink alcohol and drive

The objective was to increase awareness and stimulate behavioural change of rural population towards road safety. Activities included:

• Presentations and films on safety shown in schools
• Wall paintings with safety messages in villages and schools
• Creation of Grameen (Village) Safety Ambassadors
• Door-to-door campaign on safety issues
• Village safety audits and assist Lafarge in building a village safety perspective and plan