Project Period: 2005-2008
Project Location: Mumbai
Direct Impact: 7 Lakh+;
Indirect Impact: Entire Mumbai City

The Corporate Ward Adoption Program was created as an answer and a response to the 26th July 2005 monsoon crisis which brought Mumbai city to a standstill where 5000+ people lost their lives, large numbers of people were stranded on roads, several lost their homes and many walked long distances back home from work that evening. The city civic machinery and the citizens were clearly not prepared for a natural disaster of this magnitude.

The Corporate Ward Adoption Program (CWAP) envisioned creation of a corporate ward office that would work in unison and support the work of the Bombay Municipal Corporation Ward office. CWAP aimed at bringing together corporates, NGOs, citizens who wished to volunteer; the railways; traffic; schools and all such stakeholders together to partner and work together to help create a disaster response plan.

The value proposition of Corporate Ward Adoption Program is to present a live and working on-ground full-time network and secretariat at the ward level which works with multiple stakeholders in creating a disaster readiness plan as well as at a non-disaster time addressing other local civic issues which will have an impact on the overall well- being of the city and its citizens.

The Multi Stakeholder Partnerships through CWAP will provide the much needed platform and create the glue for bringing together community stakeholders to communicate with each other and mobilize collective action at a ward level to attain the shared vision of making Mumbai a safer and better place to live.

In an attempt to address both the issues of disaster preparedness and state of cleanliness of Mumbai; United Way Mumbai Helpline’s- Corporate Ward Adoption Program has been expanded to include the Clean-Up Mumbai campaign of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM).


• Corporate Ward Adoption Program (CWAP) is the first attempt of developing a systematic professional approach at creating a dynamic platform to bring together various stakeholders in each ward.

• CWAP will provide that essential glue to hold together various disparate efforts with regard to civic issues redressal being carried out in the ward

• To create an active and effective network on the ground that will act as a key tool in disaster preparedness

• Inviting leading corporates based in Mumbai to adopt ONE MUNICIPAL WARD each

Salient features of CWAP
• Sustainable
• Scalable
• Works very closely with community
• Result oriented and professional
• Not dependent on voluntary efforts alone