Project Period:2014-2016
Project Location: Pan India
Estimated Impact: 65 million (mostly women)

Uploading SHG-Bank Linkage Member Data Into Credit Bureaus project aimed at bringing transparency and accountability to the SHG-Bank Linkage Program Member data which impacts 65+ million people (mostly women) with total loan outstanding of Rs.51,545 crore (6.8 billion Euros) for FY 2014-15).

Played a leadership role in the creation of a joint national & international ‘collective’ involving stakeholders such as The Reserve Bank of India, Indian Banks Association, Sadhan (Microfinance Association of India), NABARD, World Bank and International Finance Corporation all working together at the policy advocacy level to request for a mandate from the Reserve Bank of India that all banks to share their Self-Help Group Bank Linkage data with credit bureaus for helping build transparency & accountability in their grassroots financial inclusion initiatives thereby addressing a portfolio of Rs. 51,545 crores (6.8 Billion Euros) & impacting over 65 million women.

The project’s effort bore fruit on 14th January 2016 when RBI’s Department of Banking Regulations (DBR) passed a notification instructing banks to collect & report their SHG member data into the credit bureaus thereby impacting 67 million women at the base of the pyramid.

 Shibani also led a workshop on ‘ Moving Forward With Integration of SHG Bank Linkage Data Into Credit Bureaus’ in partnership with International Finance Corporation (IFC) on 23rd February 2016 and her role was appreciated by RBI and other stakeholders. This project is just the first step towards Shibani’s vision of credit bureau reporting of SHG member data and progressively reporting of Kisan Credit Card (KCCs) Primary Agriculture Credit Societies (PACS), etc into the credit bureaus for building transparency on who are India’s real poor & how much credit do they receive, how much subsidy they receive from how many sources.