Project Period: 2013
Project Location: Dadar, Mumbai
Direct Impact: 500+ Travellers in Dadar railway station
Indirect Impact: Cleaners of Dadar railway station

Whilst leading United Way had presented to Railway Authorities the entire “Adopt A Train Station” campaign. Personally led under the aegis of Volunteer For A Better India a Clean-up Drive at Dadar Station Sunday,17th Feb. 2013 and had discussions with Railway authorities for hiring more railway police force; installing more dustbins and the need for starting fining citizens who defecate and throw litter in public spaces.

The Railway Protection Force at Dadar (W) clarified that they have only 1 Policeman who works a 12 hours shift between 6 platforms ! It was therefore evident that there was an urgent need to address this significant gap of cleanliness at such important city hubs as Dadar Station. Even the shop owners on the railway station agreed that commuters should be fined for littering.