Shibani Sachdeva

Shibani Sachdeva has 20+ years of senior management experience including 16+ years of leadership and CEO experience in the developmental sector having headed the social initiatives of the world’s largest charities or corporate institutions. Entrepreneurial by nature and able to see the ‘bigger picture’, a strategic planner with proficiency in devising strategies for setting up sustainable developmental initiatives and positioning and establishing these developmental initiatives amongst the leading developmental initiatives in the country.


Extra Curricular Activities For Leading A Holistic Life'


Shibani often know as ‘Sailor’ has been deeply passionate about sailing and has over 25 years of yachting experience as a skipper of the Enterprise class of boats, 420 class as well as the boat specific to the Indian harbor called Seabirds and Lightenings.She has participated in several national and international level championships in India and has also lived and sailed in San Francisco as crew on a Bear boat, Salar 40, Ranger 45 and other boats in similar classes.



Shibani is an Art of Living Happiness Program teacher of pranayama yoga & meditation She has led series of Happiness Programs impacting 500+ students and organised large courses and events for Art of Living such as homas, pujas, abhishekams, bhajan sandhyas, Upanayans, Advance Meditation Course, Divya Samaj Nirman (DSN) course, etc impacting over 5000 people.



Cranio Sacral Therapy (CST) is a non-invasive, healing process that works through gentle touch and releases stress, disturbance, injury and even deep-seated trauma while triggering the body’s self-healing mechanisms. It restores balance across its various systems, bringing it back into its state of health and well-being and is a holistic technique that treats the individual as a whole

Shibani is a student of CST and for the rest of the 2016, Shibani will be providing 150 free CST sessions.


Shibani Sachdeva has 20+ years of senior management experience including 16+ years of leadership and CEO experience in the developmental sector having headed the social initiatives of the world’s largest charities or corporate institutions. Entrepreneurial by nature and able to see the ‘bigger picture’, a strategic planner with proficiency in devising strategies for setting up sustainable developmental initiatives and positioning and establishing these developmental initiatives amongst the leading developmental initiatives in the country. Shibani has an excellent record of taking up challenging assignments initiating and leading turnaround growth strategies in complex environments and delivering sustainable solutions for growth and social impact. Shibani specialises in financial, digital, social inclusion, sustainable livelihoods, agriculture value chain and other social development areas meaningfully impacting lives of the people at the base of the pyramid.  Shibani’s strength lies in her holistic & sustainable project approach that involves creation & maintenance of a stakeholder ecosystem involving national institutions (like Reserve Bank of India, NABARD, World Bank Group, SIDBI, etc) major associations such as Cellular Operator Association of India, Microfinance Association of India, etc for policy advocacy. Alongwith a vital stakeholder eco-system she is able to successfully build linkages with grassroots organisations to effect change at the ground level.

In her previous role, Shibani headed the NGO, Positive Planet India (erstwhile Planet Finance India) and elevated the stature of the organisation where national institutions like RBI & NABARD have appreciated her on the role played by her in the subject of bringing transparency & accountability through credit reporting by banks of credit portfolios to Self Help Group (SHGs). At Positive Planet Shibani also focused on agricultural value chains, having worked for past 3 years in spearheading projects aimed at building linkages with potential European buyers for various spices She brings with her a passionate focus for designing, scaling and increasing the quality frontiers in the field of financial inclusion, sustainable livelihoods and agricultural value chains. Shibani has strong leadership & project management skills for high impact projects and is passionate about making difference to peoples’ lives at the base of pyramid using technology especially mobile phones and has deep understanding of financial inclusion technology ecosystem.

Prior to re-joining Positive Planet India Shibani served as the National Corporate Social Responsibility Manager of the world’s largest cement manufacturer-Lafarge and spearheaded Lafarge’s community development initiative across the 6 states of Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Rajasthan and West Bengal in India. At Lafarge, Shibani built and launched the national CSR strategy which including the launching of the Lafarge India Foundation. Her tasks involved building a company wide systematic process as CSR was being taken to the next level in the company and this involved introducing and managing change at the local factories and greenfield sites. Leading change also included conceptualizing new CSR programs under the pillars of Health, Education, Employability, Environment.

Prior to leading the Lafarge CSR strategy, Shibani spent 5+ years successfully launching and spearheading the scaling up of United Way to a position of leadership in India. United Way Mumbai is a part of United Way International, amongst the largest charity networks in the world. Shibani worked closely with a board of 13 CEOs of leading corporates such as AIG, Citigroup, Ernst & Young, JP Morgan, Jasubhai Group, Mahindra & Mahindra, Morgan Stanley amongst others. Her core focus at United Way was partnering with the corporate sector for community development. At United Way, Shibani successfully pioneered the launch of Payroll Giving in India a format of community support that most corporates in India recognize today and have adopted to benefit several hundreds of NGOs across India. Through her leadership United Way’s corporate giving and payroll giving programs were supported by leading corporates such as Accenture, AIG, Bank of America, Colgate, Castrol, Citibank, HSBC, JP Morgan, Kodak, Kellogg’s, LG, Samsung amongst several others.

Shibani also led the strategic partnership of United Way as the Charity Partner of the Mumbai Marathon a city-wide large scale charity supporting event, thus successfully positioning United Way as a gateway partner NGO to over 200 non-profits in India.

Post the Tsunami in December 2004, Shibani led the United Way Disaster Management team in India and spear-headed the rehabilitation of over 500 Tsunami affected families across 12 villages by re-building villages addressing livelihoods needs as well as re-building schools. The state of the art English medium Samsung School of Hope at Chinnagudi Village, Tamil Nadu with 400 children and the complete re-construction of Poombuhar village of 300 homes (which included working with the Panchayats, Public Works Department etc) ranks as amongst her most tangible impact CSR projects. United Way Mumbai was awarded a ‘Best Practices Award’ by United Way International, Washington DC for its Tsunami related work.

Prior to working in the Social Sector, Shibani had a strong career in the corporate sector. At a relatively young age she was appointed to spearhead the National Marketing Operations of SAS Institute in India. SAS Institute is the world’s leading data warehousing and decision support software company and is a billion dollar+ company and the eighth largest computer software firm in the world. 95% of the Fortune 500 are SAS customers. Shibani’s international corporate experience includes working with Young & Rubicam in San Francisco. Young & Rubicam ranks as one of the top three largest advertising agencies worldwide. Shibani was trained on Y&R’s Consumer Perspective Strategy such as : 4C’s: Cross-Cultural Consumer Characterizations, which included using tools such as Mapping and Laddering. Her work included application of Y&Rs Consumer Perspective Strategy to Pine-Sol Liquid Cleaner, Hidden Valley Ranch Salad Dressing, Chevron Gasoline and First Nationwide Bank accounts. Shibani received one of the rare detailed, complementary ‘Letters of Promotion’ and was designated as the likeable want to have back agency person at Y&RSF.

Shibani is a James Webb Young Scholar with a Master’s of Science in Advertising & Enterprise Management degree from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, USA. She also has a Master of Management Studies, Marketing from the University of Bombay. She graduated from St. Xavier’s College, Bombay with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and also has to her credit a Diploma in Advertising & Marketing.

When Shibani is not busy building the social sector in India she takes time to skipper sailboats on the Bombay high seas as well as skippering boats sailing long-distance from Mumbai on several occasions. Being one of the very few Indian lady skippers Shibani won the Best Female Helmsman, Enterprise National Sailing Championships, Mumbai India in 2005 as well as the Best Female Helmsman,1997, National Inland Water Championships, Khadakvasla, India. Shibani is the only Women Council Member on the Yachting Association of India Council, 2004-2008. She was the first Indian Women to receive certificate of National Yachting Judge, 2000. Shibani has represented India as Team Coach of the Indian Under 15 Yachting Team for the :World Optimist Sailing Championships Spain-2000; Optimist Sailing Nationals UK-2000; Asian Optimist Sailing Championship Singapore-2000; Asian Championships Dubai-2001.

Shibani is also a teacher of Art of Living’s Happiness Program a Yoga & Meditation course. Other than teaching meditation which is her core passion, Shibani also invests all her free time in volunteering for the Art of Living’s “Volunteer for a Better India’ initiative